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Omnia life capsules (30’s)


Bulbine latifolia, leonotis leonurus, rosmarinus officinalis, ruta gaveolens, urtica dioica, sceletium tortuosum

Flax oil, red palm oil, clove oil, thyme oil, rosemary oil, lemongrass oil, geranium oil, peppermint oil

This capsule contains 8 oils on one side and 6 herbs on the other. What makes omnialife unique is that it uses some ingredients only found in south africa. Omnia brands have taken the best nature has to offer and combined it in a supercapsule that offers you an incredibly broad spectrum of uses. The overall effect of omnialife is that the heart, brain and blood is at last getting necessary nutrition for optimal functioning. Try omnialife today and start feeling the difference in heart, brain and blood function!



Bulbine latifolia, leonotis leonurus, rosmarinus officinalis, ruta gaveolens, urtica dioica, sceletium tortuosum

Flax oil, red palm oil, clove oil, thyme oil, rosemary oil, lemongrass oil, geranium oil, peppermint oil

This capsule contains 8 oils on one side and 6 herbs on the other. What makes omnialife unique is that it uses some ingredients only found in south africa. Omnia brands have taken the best nature has to offer and combined it in a supercapsule that offers you an incredibly broad spectrum of uses. The overall effect of omnialife is that the heart, brain and blood is at last getting necessary nutrition for optimal functioning. Try omnialife today and start feeling the difference in heart, brain and blood function!


OmniaLife is unique in the world!

This capsule contains 8 oils on one side and 6 herbs on the other. What makes OmniaLife unique is that it uses some ingredients only found in South Africa. OmniaBrands have taken the best nature has to offer and combined it in a supercapsule that offers you an incredibly broad spectrum of uses. The overall effect of OmniaLife is that the heart, brain and blood is at last getting necessary nutrition for optimal functioning. Try OmniaLife today and start feeling the difference in heart, brain and blood function!

OmniaLife can be used to address the following:

  • ADD (+ OmniaCalm)
  • ADHD (+ OmniaCalm)
  • Concentration
  • Anaemia
  • Acne
  •  Sinusitus
  • Immunity booster
  • Preventing measure against cancer
  • Flu and sniffles
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (use together with OmniaMineralCare)
  • Allergies
  • Anxiety, Stress & Panic (use together with OmniaCalm)
  •  Back ache, kidney pain
  • Depression (use together with OmniaCalm)
  • Diabetes prevention (use together with OmniaMineralCare)
  • Epilepsy (use together with OmniaCalm)
  • Fatigue (use with OmniaCalm + OmniaMineralCare)
  • Fibromyalgia (use with OmniaMineralCare + OmniaCalm)
  • Insomnia (use with OmniaCalm)
  • Migraine (use with OmniaCalm)
  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
  • Nails & Hair (use with OmniaMineralCare)
  • Osteoporosis (use with OmniaMineralCare)
  • Alzheimer’s (+ OmniaMineralCare)
  • Parkinson’s (+ OmniaMineralCare)
  • Memory loss (+ OmniaMineralCare)
  • Autism (+ OmniaCalm)
  • Angina (+ OmniaMineralCare)
  • Arrhythmias (+ OmniaMineralCare)


Bulbine Latifolia, Leonotis leonurus, Rosmarinus officinalis , Ruta gaveolens, Urtica dioica, Sceletium tortuosum

Flax Oil, Red Palm Oil, Clove Oil, Thyme Oil, Rosemary Oil, Lemongrass Oil, Geranium Oil, Peppermint Oil

What do the ingredients do individually?

Bulbine is an indigenous plant to South Africa. Bulbine serves a great purpose in putting oxygen back in the blood and the intestines. In this regard it also has properties as a mild laxative.

Urtica contains Iron, vitamin C and other minerals. It is beneficial for rheumatism, and can be used as an iron tonic against anaemia, and even a support for lactating mothers.

This ingredient helps in combatting exhaustion, depression, and debility. It can be used to improve liver function.

This herb gladdens and strengthens the heart. The ancient Greeks used it to calm the nervousness of new mothers and to relax the body in menopause. It is widely used to combat anxiety and tension. Use it to combat night sweats and hot flushes during menopause, and to ease painful periods of stress and tension. This herb may even help to still heart palpitations.

Rue has been used throughout the centuries to treat conditions of hysteria, epilepsy or any disorder of the brain, vertigo or dizziness. Rue is also used to treat colic, stomach aches, and eye problems. Rue enhances vision and relieves tired eyes. Herbalists use Rue to treat Multiple Sclerosis and Bell’s palsy ― it is a very good treatment for any condition of the nervous system. Rue is invigorating and anti-spasmodic and can treat light conditions of flatulence. Due to its composition it has the effect of supporting and strengthening the inner lining of blood vessels and reducing blood pressure.

Sceletium has been used for hundreds of years by the Hottentot/San nation as a natural mood enhancer and relaxant. Sceletium interacts with the brain’s dopamine and serotonin receptors, which makes it remarkably effective in treating anxiety. Sceletium also gives natural energy. It is a natural anti-depressant without the side-effects of pharmaceutical alternatives.

Flax Oil
Flax Oil has cancer-fighting properties, while it may have benefits for the female menstrual cycle. It helps to improve uterine function and may help in treating fertility problems. Flax Oil is anti-inflammatory, and in some studies have proved to be anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral. This may explain why Flax Oil helps to fight cold sores and shingles. Flax Oil protects against heart disease. It contains Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) which protect cell membranes. Flax Oil helps in treating nerve disorders, and protects against cancer, heart disease, cataracts, gallstones, gout and lupus. It promotes healthy skin, hair and nails.

Red Palm Oil
Red Palm Oil has been used as a food and medicine for over 2000 years. It contains vitamins, antioxidants, and amazing phytonutrients. It has 15x more Vitamin A than carrots and 300x more than tomatoes. We recommend nursing mothers to take it since it makes mother’s milk rich in Vitamin A. Vitamin A protects against blindness, weak bones, low immunity, mental degeneration and loss of learning ability. Red Palm Oil is a powerhouse of nutrition. It contains Vit E, beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, lycopene, vitamin K, CoQ10, squalene, phytosterols, flavonoids, phenolic acids and glycolipids. It is one of the richest sources of Vit E known. Red Palm Oil protects against heart disease. It can remove plague build-up in the arteries and reverse the process of atherosclerosis. Red palm Oil can improve cholesterol values. It helps to maintain proper blood pressure. The high antioxidant content of the oil quenches free radicals and keeps inflammation under control. Tocotrienols found in red palm oil strengthens the heart so that it can withstand stress better. The high antioxidant levels also make it a potent anti-cancer food. Research has led scientists to name tocotrienols the most powerful anti-cancer substances known to science. The antioxidant power of palm oil protects against neurological degeneration. It helps the mind work better, focus better and retain information better.

Thyme Oil
Thyme oil strengthens the nerves, aids memory and concentration, can help with the feeling of exhaustion and combats depression, while it fortifies the lungs and helps with colds, coughs, asthma, laryngitis, sinusitis, catarrh, whooping cough, sore throats and tonsillitis. Thyme oil is beneficial to boost the immune system and can help fight colds, flu, infectious diseases and chills and as a urinary antiseptic, it is very helpful for cystitis and urethritis. The warming effect of this oil can help in cases of poor circulation, as well as for arthritis, rheumatism, gout, muscular aches and pains, sprains and sport injuries.

Clove Oil
Clove oil can be used for acne, bruises, burns and cuts, keeping infection at bay and as a pain reliever. It helps with toothache, mouth sores, rheumatism and arthritis. It is beneficial to the digestive system, effective against vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence, spasms and parasites, as well as bad breath. Clove oil is valuable for relieving respiratory problems, like bronchitis, asthma and tuberculosis. The disinfecting property is useful in cases of infectious diseases.

Rosemary Oil
Rosemary oil has a pronounced action on the brain and the central nervous system and is wonderful for clearing the mind and mental awareness, while having excellent brain stimulant properties, as well as improving memory. It helps with headaches, migraines, neuralgia, mental fatigue and nervous exhaustion and the antiseptic action of rosemary oil is especially suitable for intestinal infections and diarrhea, easing colitis, dyspepsia, flatulence, hepatic disorders and jaundice and relieving pain associated with rheumatism, arthritis, muscular pain and gout. It also helps for arteriosclerosis, palpitations, poor circulation and varicose veins. The diuretic properties of rosemary oil are useful with reducing water retention during menstruation, and also with obesity and cellulite. On the respiratory system, it is effective for asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, sinus and whooping cough. Because of its astringent action, it is also effective for countering sagging skin. Its stimulating action benefit scalp disorders and encourages hair growth. Rosemary oil is effective for mental fatigue, circulation problems, pain relief for the muscular system, decongests the respiratory tract and is a skin and hair booster.

Lemongrass Oil
Lemongrass oil revitalizes the body and relieves the symptoms of jetlag, clears headaches and helps to combat nervous exhaustion and stress-related conditions. It is a great overall tonic for the body and it boosts the parasympathetic nervous system, which is a boon when recovering from illness, as it also stimulates glandular secretions. It is useful with respiratory infections such as sore throats, laryngitis and fever and helps prevent spreading of infectious diseases. It is helpful with colitis, indigestion and gastro-enteritis. Lemongrass oil helps tone the muscles and tissue, and relieves muscle pains by making the muscle more supple. It helps with correcting poor circulation. Lemongrass oil revitalizes the body and mind.

Geranium Oil
Geranium oil can be used to help in the treatment of acne, eczema, ulcers, breast engorgement, edema, poor circulation, sore throat, tonsillitis, PMS, menopausal problems, stress and neuralgia. This uplifting oil has a great all-over balancing effect on the mind and this uplifting property also extends to the effect it has on the skin – where it helps to create balance between oily and dry skin. It helps to sort out emotions – where it helps to relieve feelings of stress and anxiety, and also works on the adrenal cortex, which has a balancing effect on the hormone system.

Peppermint Oil
Peppermint oil is excellent for mental fatigue and depression, refreshing the spirit and stimulating mental agility and improving concentration. It helps for apathy, shock, headache, migraine, nervous stress, vertigo and faintness and in general respiratory disorders, as well as dry coughs, sinus congestion, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis and cholera. For the digestive system, peppermint oil is effective for a range of ailments, as it stimulates the gall bladder and the secretion of bile. It is used for colic, cramps, dyspepsia, spastic colon, flatulence and nausea and can relieve pain in cases of aching feet, rheumatism, neuralgia, muscular pains and painful periods. Peppermint oil can assist in nervous disorders and is dramatically effective in stimulating the mind and focusing concentration, for treating the respiratory tract, and alleviating muscular aches and pains.

No information is available

Adverse reactions
Users report no side effects

No special precautions; caution should be exercised by those using other medication, in view of possible drug interactions.

Take 2 capsules in the morning or as require