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omnia shakes / meal replacements


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Whey protein concentrate, skim milk powder, fructose, inulin, cocoa powder (only in chocolate), stabilizers, l-tyrosine, calcium caseinate, salt, l-leucine, mct oil, l-carnitine, natural flavourants, l-valine, l-isoleucine, msm, beetroot extract (only in strawberry), vitamin premix, acacia extract (antioxidant), stevia, probiotic cultures: l. Acidophilus, l. Delbrucki (subsp. Bulgaricus), b. Infantis, l. Rhamnosus, selenium a.a.c., zinc lactate, alpha lipoic acid, manganese a.a.c., chromium picolinate, d-biotin.


Per serving you get

  • 25g Pure Protein
  • 17.2 g Low GI Carbs
  • 2.2g Fat
  • 7.8g Fiber
  • 5 Billion Probiotic CFU’s (living probiotic cells)

3 Great Tasting Flavours!!

  • Swiss Chocolate
  • Strawberries & Cream
  • Vanilla Fudge

Whey protein concentrate, skim milk powder, fructose, inulin, cocoa powder (only in chocolate), stabilizers, l-tyrosine, calcium caseinate, salt, l-leucine, mct oil, l-carnitine, natural flavourants, l-valine, l-isoleucine, MSM, beetroot extract (only in strawberry), vitamin premix, acacia extract (antioxidant), stevia, probiotic cultures: l. Acidophilus, l. Delbrucki (subsp. Bulgaricus), b. Infantis, l. Rhamnosus, selenium a.a.c., zinc lactate, alpha lipoic acid, manganese a.a.c., chromium picolinate, d-biotin.

Intestinal health:
Pro-Biotics: Four strains – 5 Billion CFU’s per serving!! + Inulin
This is probably the main focus point of this product and is supplied by the Pre-biotic ingredient Inulin. A pre-biotic is a substance that acts as a food source for all the good bacteria inside your intestines. The good bacteria (Bifidobacterium; Lactobacillus; Lactococcus; Streptococcus thermophillus; Enterococcus) use Inulin to grow and multiply. By incorporating Inulin into your diet, the quantity of good bacteria increases. The benefits one gets from increased intestinal bacteria are the following:

  • they aid in the breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates and fats in food;
  • they help in the absorption of necessary elements and nutrients such as minerals, amino acids and vitamins;
  • important for developing a strong immune system, the development of normal intestinal morphology;
  • to maintain a chronic and immunologically balanced inflammatory response;
  • eenzymes secreted by probiotic bacteria aid digestion and ensure regular bowel movement.

Lactobacillus Acidophilus

  • Helps Prevent Yeast Infections
  • Assists in the Absorption of Nutrients
  • Helps Reduce Lactose Intolerance
  • Decreases Antibiotic Side Effects

L. Delbrucki (Subsp. Bulgaricus)

  •  L Bulgaricus appears to play several important roles as a soldier in the battlefield of the digestive tract.
  •  These mechanisms include reducing intestinal infections by excreting metabolic end products― such as acids ― that change the pH of the GI tract.
  •  At lower pH ranges, or higher acidic levels, it appears that many pathogens simply give up the fight to survive.
  •  Lactobacillus Bulgaricus excretes natural antibiotics, which can have a broad spectrum of immune-boosting functions.
  •  Blocking of pathogen adhesion sites within the mucous layer of the intestine.
  •  Shows a proven ability to draw away toxins and defeat harmful bacteria, while colonizing the intestinal mucosa in a beneficial symbiosis.

B. Infantis

  • Bifidobacterium infantis is a probiotic bacterium that inhabits the intestines of both infants and adults.
  • It is considered beneficial because of the acids it produces.
  • The acids produced by Bifidobacterium infantis may help impede the growth or colonization of harmful bacteria within the colon.
  • Restore intestinal balance and maintain normal digestive health.
  • Bifidobacterium infantis may be beneficial to those who suffer from symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) including bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, urgency and abdominal discomfort.

L. Rhamnosus

  • • Helps Fight Intestinal Tract Illnesses
  • • Suppresses Bacterial Infections in Renal Patients
  • • Assists in Prevention of Urinary Tract Infections
  • • Helps Build a Superior Immune System
  • • Aids in Dairy Product Digestion Among the Lactose-Intolerant
  • • Decreases Duration of Diarrhea

Potent anti-oxidant levels:
Selenium is a trace element found in soil, and is required in small amounts to maintain good health. It is essential for many body processes and is present in nearly every cell but especially in the kidneys, liver, spleen, testes, and pancreas. Selenium acts as an antioxidant against free radicals that damage our DNA. It is often included with Vitamins C and E to help fight against cancer, heart disease and even ageing. It has also been used to fight viral infections and may even slow the progression of HIV/AIDS. Selenium furthermore contributes to good health by promoting normal liver function. Other benefits of Selenium include protection against heart disease, protection against toxic minerals, and the neutralization of alcohol, smoke and fats.

Alpha lipoic acid is also an antioxidant, a substance that neutralizes potentially harmful chemicals called free radicals. What makes alpha lipoic acid unique, is that it functions in water and fat, unlike the more common antioxidants (vitamins C and E), and it appears to be able to recycle antioxidants such as vitamin C and glutathione after they have been used up. Glutathione is an important antioxidant that helps the body eliminate potentially harmful substances. Alpha lipoic acid increases the formation of glutathione.

Acacia extract: A powerful anti-oxidant with an orac value of 960 000. Three times higher that Resveratrol.

  • It is a powerful antioxidant that prevents and fights cancer.
  • It reduces the risk of heart disease.
  • It has anti-ageing properties.
  • Promotes normal liver function.
  • It protects against harmful effects of alcohol consumption and smoking.
  • Increases skin, hair and nail health.

Good Insulin response:
Chromium is an important mineral that helps process Carbohydrates and fats by triggering a reaction from Insulin, the hormone that provides blood sugar fuel to cells. Put simply, Chromium helps move blood sugar (glucose) from the bloodstream into the cells to be used as energy and turn fats, carbohydrates, and proteins into energy. Chromium is also important in Insulin metabolism.

  • Improves Insulin response so that Carbohydrates, fats and Proteins are better transported from the blood into cells where they are used for energy.

Strong joints:
MSM (methyl-sulfonyl-methane) is an organic sulfur compound. Sulfur is found in connective tissue, hair and nail cells. Sulfur is important in maintenance and strengthening of joint tissue, especially cartilage, and is effective in the treatment of problems such as sports injuries, tendonitis, inflammation and osteoarthritis. It also seems to combat parasitic-, microbial- and fungal problems in the intestinal tract by blocking the reaction point between the parasite and the membrane.

  • Strengthens joint tissue/ cartilage.
  • Treats sports injuries, tendonitis, osteoarthritis and inflammation.
  • Treats intestinal problems arising from parasites, fungus and microbial infection.

Increased mental activity:
L-Tyrosine is an amino acid. This amino acid is the precursor of dopamine, which is a neurotransmitter very important for signal transduction in the brain. L-Tyrosine is converted to dopamine in brain tissue. By increasing L-Tyrosine in the diet, dopamine levels are raised, leading to increased mental activity. Tyrosine is also the immediate precursor to the thyroid hormone thyroxin which is a major component in the weight control process. In the case of thyroid dysfunction (hypothyroidism, which has a direct effect on weight loss), therapeutic doses of Tyrosine may have an impact upon your thyroid hormone production and basal metabolism, assisting in weight loss.

  • Increased mental alertness and elevation of mood.
  •  Thyroid health leading to increased natural weight management.

Calorie management:
Fructose and Stevia. The most important organ in the human body is the brain. The brain needs at least 90 grams of Carbohydrates per day to maintain the central nervous system optimally. It is therefore important to take in Carbohydrates. But it is the type of Carbohydrate we take in that makes the difference. Carbohydrates can be classed as high GI, medium GI and low GI Carbohydrates. A high GI Carbohydrate like white sugar is a Carbohydrate that gets taken up quickly into the blood stream. What happens then is that most of this Carbohydrate is taken up in a small period of time so that a high glucose concentration is found at a given time, which the body has to deal with. Because most people are not very active during the day and can’t burn a lot of glucose in a small space of time, that glucose needs to be stored as fat. Therefore it doesn’t make sense to take in high GI Carbohydrates when you are not going to burn it as energy, for instance at lunch. But what makes sense is that one should use low GI Carbohydrates during times of inactivity or low activity. A low GI Carbohydrate gets taken up slowly into the bloodstream over a much longer period of time. What this means is that at any given point in time after consuming a low GI Carbohydrate, there is a small concentration of glucose which the body has ample time to process and burn as energy. This product consists only of low GI Carbohydrates and is therefore ideal to use during times of inactivity or low activity.

  • Getting in needed carbohydrates without it being stored as fat.
  • Sugar cravings reduced.
  • Better insulin response meaning insulin is secreted evenly. \
  • Constant blood glucose levels.

Fat metabolism:
The amino acids known as Leucine, Iso-Leucine and Valine, function in the stimulation of muscle synthesis, which is especially important during weight loss to help maintain lean muscle mass while fat tissue is reduced. Leucine also plays an important role in inter-cellular fat metabolism.

  • No loszes in muscle tissue, whilst fat tissue is reduced.
  • Leucine speeds up fat metabolism, therefore centimeters are lost quickly.

Fat burning:
Amino acid L-Carnitine functions in fat oxidation. It is referred to as a fat burner, because it carries fatty acids across the membrane of the mitochondrion where they are oxidized to energy.

  • Increased fat metabolism.

Vitamins: Everybody knows how important vitamins are to healthy living, therefore this product provides most of the important vitamins in high quantities.

Proteins: Three sources of protein are used in this product namely:

  • whey protein concentrate,
  • calcium caseinate,
  • skimmed milk powder

Each source adds a unique amino acid composition to the product ensuring a quality overall amino acid profile. Proteins are very important in the diet because they provide the building blocks, called amino acids, for growth and maintenance of living tissue. When proteins are combined with carbohydrates in a meal, the protein reduces the GI value of the carbohydrates by restricting the availability of the carbohydrate for hydrolysis. During weight management, proteins are especially important because of the tendency of the body to lose mass as moisture, fat and muscle. This however is not what you want, because muscle tissue is where carbohydrates are burned as fuel. A sufficient amount of protein in the diet during weight loss ensures that muscle tissue is maintained.

  • Optimal repair and maintenance of your body.
  • Important amino acids to serve as enzymes, anti-body components and hormones.
  • Reduction of carbohydrate GI value.
  • Maintenance of muscle mass during weight loss.

Guar gum:
Guar gum is a soluble fibre that forms a gel in the presence of liquid. When guar gum enters the stomach it acts as a filler because it gives a feeling of satiety without adding any calorie value. When it reaches the small intestines it improves the uptake of Calcium. It also absorbs and removes toxins from the intestinal tract.

  • Feeling of satiety.
  • Increased Calcium absorption.
  • Reduction in intestinal toxins.

MTC Oil:
Medium-Chain Triglycerides (MCT) oils are a special class of fats that are digested and handled by the body in a different way than most fats. Most fats are long-chain triglycerides which are difficult to process, so the body prefers to store them in fat cells.

MCT oils are absorbed in the bloodstream, passing the digestion process that longer chain fats go through. MCT oil provides quick energy for the body and therefore is less likely to be stored as body fat. MCTs are such an easy source of fuel, they are even more likely to be burned off than low-fat fare. When MCT is metabolized in the body, it behaves like a carbohydrate not a fat.

Unlike other fats, it does not go through the lymphatic system. Instead, it is transported directly to the liver where it is metabolized and released like a carbohydrate and then is used for fuel. MCT has a thermogenic effect in the body, helping you to stay slim by keeping your body fat levels down while keeping energy levels up. MCT oil is easily absorbed by the body and is therefore ideal for individuals with digestive problems. For those with Crohn’s and irritable bowel syndrome, the healing effects of MCT oil could be beneficial. MCT promotes intestinal health by killing troublesome microorganisms that may cause chronic inflammation.

Biotin can be completely absorbed by the body. The member of the B-vitamin family, often referred to as B7, is available in small amounts in a variety of foods. Biotin is involved in the metabolization, tolerance, and utilization of glucose. It also works to decrease the resistance of insulin. Biotin function is necessary for fatty acid synthesis and the metabolism of propionate. There is also evidence of antioxidant capability. It is believed that biotin can be stored in the mitochondria. Biotin is active throughout the body and is rarely deficient.

Additional information


Swiss chocolate, Strawberries & cream, Vanilla fudge