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Credé Odorless Coconut Oil (1kg)


Coconut oil is rich in saturated fatty acids, especially lauric acid (about 50%) and myristic acid (about 20%). These fatty acids are so-called ‘medium-chain triglycerides’ (mcts) because they are shorter molecules than the saturated fats commonly found in vegetable oils and animal fats (e.g. Palmitic and stearic acid). This also explains why coconut oil has a far better health profile than its high content of saturated fats would suggest.

We have both virgin and refined (odourless) coconut oils, both of which are certified organic. Note that the refined coconut oil has been refined entirely without the use of chemicals.

Coconut oil is pressed from the white meat of the coconut.



Coconut oil is rich in saturated fatty acids, especially lauric acid (about 50%) and myristic acid (about 20%). These fatty acids are so-called ‘medium-chain triglycerides’ (mcts) because they are shorter molecules than the saturated fats commonly found in vegetable oils and animal fats (e.g. Palmitic and stearic acid). This also explains why coconut oil has a far better health profile than its high content of saturated fats would suggest.

We have both virgin and refined (odourless) coconut oils, both of which are certified organic. Note that the refined coconut oil has been refined entirely without the use of chemicals.

Coconut oil is pressed from the white meat of the coconut.

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400ml, 1 liter